Swedes who lives in Gdansk temporarily and thinking about getting pregnant

Both me and my husband are from Sweden and live in Gdansk right now, since he studies at Medical School of Gdansk. We´re thinking about having a baby but we´re worried since we no nothing about how it works i Poland. I would be so happy if someone please could explain how it works with the hospital and so on. I Sweden we go to the hospital to check the health of the baby, assume that you do it here in Poland as well? Do you have som special hospital here in Poland that you go to? Is the hospitals good here i Poland? How is it with the delivery?
Do you have some group from pregnant women so that they can get to know other pregnant women?
Do someone know of any groups in Gdansk or near to Gdansk? Can someone please help me out with any website that could help me out?
Do you have any groups and activities for new born so that they can meet other babies?

Please help me and my husband! We have only lived in Poland a couple of weeks and going to live the a couple of years before we woll go back to Sweden. We don´t know anything about how the polish system works. Please help us!

Thanks a lot!

2 odpowiedzi na pytanie: Swedes who lives in Gdansk temporarily and thinking about getting pregnant

  1. Hello!
    It’s really difficult to write you how polish med system works. Especially in english… I think you should go to NFZ to talk about it and ask how it works for foreigners. You can write them massage on Do you have polish insurance? It’s necessary to treat for free. In Poland you have ginecology care from first weeks pragnance. Doctor make you USG very often and gives you many referrals. I always thoght that ginecology care in Poland is not so good, but in compare with other countries (for example UK) here is much better!
    I hope i help you a little 🙂

    • Zamieszczone przez Linn Dahlén
      Both me and my husband are from Sweden and live in Gdansk right now, since he studies at Medical School of Gdansk. We´re thinking about having a baby but we´re worried since we no nothing about how it works i Poland. I would be so happy if someone please could explain how it works with the hospital and so on. I Sweden we go to the hospital to check the health of the baby, assume that you do it here in Poland as well? Do you have som special hospital here in Poland that you go to? Is the hospitals good here i Poland? How is it with the delivery?
      Do you have some group from pregnant women so that they can get to know other pregnant women?
      Do someone know of any groups in Gdansk or near to Gdansk? Can someone please help me out with any website that could help me out?
      Do you have any groups and activities for new born so that they can meet other babies?

      Please help me and my husband! We have only lived in Poland a couple of weeks and going to live the a couple of years before we woll go back to Sweden. We don´t know anything about how the polish system works. Please help us!

      Thanks a lot!

      welcome. In Gdansk, you can go to a gynecologist for an appointment NFZ, if you have insurance. If you have a problem you the appearance of a child, you have this problem and need specialist help, research clinics are dealing with the infertility to one of them, I go alone. In the Gdansk IN VICTA for example, in Gdynia clinic Gametes and Novum.
      If you have any questions, that I serve with.

      I greet

      Znasz odpowiedź na pytanie: Swedes who lives in Gdansk temporarily and thinking about getting pregnant

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